Content marketing and SEO have worked collaboratively in delivering services that can help small businesses succeed online. Such effective content enables small businesses to market to various customers and prospects. Most of all, it enables them to gain favourable positions in the search engines such as Yahoo, Google, and Bing.

There are so many ways to find ideas for effective content marketing. SEO services include content marketing to help online businesses reach for their goals. Analytics, however, is the goldmine of content ideas that should not be overlooked. It provides a limitless source of information.

For getting opportunities for content marketing in SEO, here are the steps in using analytics:

  • In looking for opportunities that will work with current SEO efforts, the keywords section of the analytics should be thoroughly analysed if they are really working or not. Keywords generate more visibility and top ranking searchable content. SEO companies can help in creating keyword phrases that will attract the most traffic to the client’s site. Pages with high-ranking keyword phrases also come with high conversion rates.
  • Online businesses should key in on the winning content from their site. SEO companies can help in determining how long a reader stays on a page and knowing whether the reader bounces from the page or clicks through to additional content in the site or not.
  • Websites should determine which pages have lower or higher bounce rates. In order to create effective content for SEO, there are factors to consider: from which sites did the visitors come, how long they stayed on the page before they left, what is the bounce rate for new versus returning visitors, and what pages have lower or higher bounce rate. In SEO, higher bounce rates are usually considered bad.
  • SEO content writing becomes more effective if online businesses use top sites referring traffic to them. They should look at analytics on their pages by finding out what referrers send them traffic. The results are useful in creating content.
  • Statistics derived from email marketing can also be helpful. It creates an opportunity for establishing a list for different content for different members of the list.

Statistics and gathering data help create opportunities for creating highly effective content for SEO. Using this important information, Oracle Digital can help provide a limitless amount of inspiration for content marketing efforts. For more information, call 1300 899 851 or visit
